Medical Management of a file.
This is the new line every representative from every law firm will get if they were to call State Farm to attempt to settle a claim.
Due to the fact that recently State Farm was at risk of going bankrupt, they decided to halt the settlement of claims until the situation became more stable which meant the following:
1. They will deny benefits arbitrarily and refuse to pay due to the most minor, vague reasons possible.
2. They will refuse settlement proposals stating that they are interested in "medically managing" the file.
- Side note-
No Insurance Company is obligated to close claims however every company aside from State Farm will at least attempt to close files, not because it's the law, but because they want to get rid of the claim.
3. After the reception of a bail out package from the U.S.A State Farm continues it's policy of "medically managing" the claims.
-Another side note-
medical management does not include any sort of treatment, they will deny any and all treatment plans submitted to them.
My take?
They don't want to settle claims because they would rather go to mediation/arbitration... Why? That's the question. It's true that Mediation is no longer a threatening tool for the insurance industry, however it takes 9 months + to schedule a mediation which means that for 9 months the file becomes inactive and State Farm get's to save their money.
This is just one of the many infractions with State Farm that I will be discussing throughout the life of this blog.
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